Olive Oil Moisturizer: Cut down on skin-clogging saturated fats and use healthful olive oil instead. Olive oil moisturizes skin naturally from the inside out. This nutrient-packed oil is full of essential fatty acids and is said to help minimize wrinkles and give skin a fresh, glowing appeal.
Healthy Bottled Water: Well, you drink water, not eat it, but it has to be mentioned because many people still don’t drink enough of it. The body needs eight glasses of water a day to stay properly hydrated. Dehydration can cause an ashen appearance to the skin – the total opposite of a glowing look!
Oily Fish: Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel have essential fatty acids the body needs. Fish is great for the skin and should be eaten at least once or twice a week. This is easy to do if you cook enough fish for a main meal once a week and then use the leftovers in a salad or sandwich for a lunch.
Nuts and Seeds: The fat in nuts and seeds is healthy as long as you keep portion sizes small. Nuts and seeds are thought to contain antioxidants that help combat the effects of sun and pollution on skin. For a great dessert or snack, top unsweetened applesauce with some toasted nuts such as walnuts or pecans.
Fat-Free Natural Yogurt: Fat-free natural yogurt contains healthful bacteria that promote good digestion and great skin. You can mix yogurt with salmon or egg to make healthy sandwich fillings. Fruit blended into yogurt can make delicious smoothies.
Vegetables and Fruits: All types of fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent for glowing, healthy skin. Avocados provide good fats that moisturize dry skin. Mangoes, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and berries have many vitamins and minerals that nourish the body and the skin.
Whole Grains: Eating whole grains is an important part of keeping skin healthy and glowing as fiber helps eliminate waste properly from the body. Waste build up may affect the skin in a negative way. Choose whole wheat bread and pasta over the white, refined types of these foods. Enjoy tasty whole grains such as oatmeal and brown rice for nutrition that promotes health throughout the body including the skin.
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